Oh yes the old terrible sinus pain and headache is the topic of today in regards to health! If you're ever had this health issue before, than you know how terrible it can be. So how do you know if you're actually having head pain and a headache due to an sinus congestion and sinus pressure?
From my experience and knowledge, you may have a sinus headache and pain if you experience at least 2 or more of the symptoms described below:
- You may feel a sense of discomfort, pain, headache, and or irritation on one side of your head in the front of your head ( we have a nasal cavity leading from our nasal passages of the nose that goes all the way up to the area behind each eye and around the side of the forehead.
- Your eye may seem to unusually hurt as in feeling like it could pop out ( it won't, don't worry! lol ) or feel like pressure is on the eye, and accompanied by the discomfort, pain or headache feeling in the front of your head on that particular side of your head where the eye discomfort is. So if the front right side of your head is bothering you and so is your right eye, than you may have a sinus pressure issue with a headache as the side effect.
- To me this is the 3rd dead giveaway that you may be experiencing headache and head pain due to sinus pressure, is if your ear aches on the same side of the head that you are experiencing the head pain and pressure. The ear canal and nasal canals are all connected in the anatomy of your head. So if you have sinus pressure and congestion, than you will likely feel it through your ears if the sinus pressure and congestion is severe enough. Only in cases where my sinus pressure and congestion were severe, did I experience an ear ache and pressure in the ear, as well with the other symptoms of discomfort and pressure on my eye and pain in the front of my head.
- The most sure way to know that you are suffering with sinus pain and sinus headache is to know that if you have all 3 symptoms listed above with discomfort and pain on on the front side of your head, eye, and ear, that all 3 symptoms must be felt and experienced on the same side of your head. A sinus headache usually takes place on just one side of the head, and that is where all the symptoms may be felt. It is possible to have a sinus headache and pain on both sides of your head, but in a lot of cases it usually occurs on one side of the head from my own knowledge and experience and the knowledge and experience that I know of others who have suffered from sinus pain and sinus headaches.
If you've had an issue with SEVERE sinus pain and headache, than you probably like me wanted to over dose on pain killers and stay in bed. lol I don't recommend anyone over dose on pain killers, but the pain of a severe sinus headache is enough to tempt someone to want to do so. Don't do it. Just take one or 2 pain killers ( something over the counter like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.) to help temporarily relieve the sinus pain and headache. This will only work for as long as you take the pain killers, and even this solution won't last as your body will eventually get used to the pain killers and then you will either have to increase your dosage ( which I don't recommend, it is horrible for your health and can be dangerous ) and you won't really be solving the problem.
How about running to your local drug store or grocery store to pick up some sinus and allergy medication? That should do the trick right? Nope. Not if it is over the counter medicine. You see the FDA recently did a recall on over the counter medications that included the drug "Pseudoephedrine". Supposedly because of a concern over side effects due to incompatible drug combination, potential health risk to infants, and time release issues with the drug. While this may be true, I also heard from a friend ( who's spouse is a nurse ), that Pseudoephedrine was actually taken out of over the counter medications due to an big issue of the misuse of the drug illegally by teens and dope pushers. Anyway, Pseudoephedrine drug was the actual active ingredient in most over the counter sinus medications that actually relieved sinus pressure and pain by narrowing blood vessels that are dilated in the nasal passages. The other main active ingredients of course would be Acetaminophen or Chlorpheniramine Maleate (or some other drug) as a pain reliever.
Perhaps other combination of drugs that are considered cough suppressors and nasal decongestants might or might not be added to a medicine depending on if it is cold medicine, allergy medicine, or sinus medicine. Phenylephrine HCI is the main nasal decongestant that is included in most sinus related medication today. However, if any of you have had to use any over the counter sinus medication lately like I had this winter, than you may already know that none of it seems to work! lol Funny but not actually if you suffer true sinus pain and headaches, as like I stated before they hurt tremendously and require immediate attention to prevent them from on-setting and getting worse. Sinus pain and headaches and can start off mild and eventually within minutes to an hour become severe. If the sinus pain and headaches start out mild and stay mild, they have the potential to get worse within days and a few weeks to the point of being unbearable with side effects of dizziness and visual discomfort around bright lights. I have dealt with sinus pain and headaches for a few years now each winter.
In the past I have been medically diagnosed and given treatment in the past and it did not treat my sinus pain and headaches, only poorly covered up my symptoms temporarily until the next winter season kicked in. I have treated my sinus pain and headache alternatively with a holistic approach twice, with each time working. Only thing is I need to make sure to stick to my holistic regimen and not allow my love of junk food and dairy products sway me. lol I don't however like to deprive myself of the things I like either. So with time, research, and experimenting I feel that I have found the solution to helping relieve sinus pain and headaches. My goal with posting today is to share with you information I've acquired through experience and a little research to actually help you relieve you of the sinus pain and headaches and avoid them altogether every winter season. Therefore you will be able to kiss all those pain killers and sinus drugs that don't work away like I'm doing now!
So here's what I do recommend and what I don't recommend
I DON'T RECOMMEND ( it didn't work for me or others I know ):
Most Over the Counter sinus medications from the drug and grocery store won't work to relieve you of a sinus headache and sinus congestion with probably the exception of "Tylenol's Severe Cold" tablets seemed to do well for the pain, but won't actually do anything to solve the sinus congestion. Maybe try NyQuil for colds and sinus ( only because they will make you drowsy and put you to sleep mostly so you won't have to stay up and deal with the sinus pain and headache lol It will not actually do much of anything for your actual sinus congestion though. So don't even bother with DayQuil the non-drowsy daytime version. lol ) Both medications may help relieve you of the pain of a sinus headache, but may do actually not much if at all for your sinus pressure and sinus congestion. Perhaps if you can get a prescription through seeing a doctor, you may find that prescribed sinus medication may work.
However, when I seen a doctor for my severe sinus pressure, pain, and headaches, I was prescribe a Nasal Spray and a strong dose of Ibuprofen that you cannot buy over the counter. lol However, neither prescribed medicine was helpful as the nasal spray did not clear my sinus congestion and pressure at all (it just tasted awful in the back of my throat once the sprayed medicine dripped from my nasal passages down to my throat ewww!), and the Ibuprofen was only a temporary fix for the sinus pain. If I couldn't pop the pain killer soon enough before a sinus headache could set in, than I was done for! I still suffered the pain until the Ibuprofen kicked in. So this method of treatment sucked!
WHAT I DO RECOMMEND ( Natural Medicine/Holistic Treatment ): After the over the counter drugs and prescription drugs failed me for 3 winter seasons, my folks recommended that I try an alternative approach to treatment through the use of herbal remedies and natural medicine. This method of treatment actually worked for me. I'm not biased about modern medicine and drugs created by pharmaceutical companies. Modern medicine and pharmaceutical drugs are just fine by me, as long as they work and don't cause a bunch of ridiculous side effects that could cause you to have to depend on a chain of other medications and drugs. lol
So Here's a run down on what the natural methods, supplements and natural medicine I tried to holistically treat my sinus pain, sinus congestion, and sinus headaches:
- Eating Spicy Foods will help you drain your sinus cavities! Hot Wings, Peppers (if your stomach can take it), Indian Cuisine (usually spicy), any food that is spicy. If it isn't spicy, than make it spicy by throwing some hot sauce and pepper on it. lol Seriously, spicy foods can help drain your sinuses causing plenty of nasal drip. When you experience your nasals dripping, this is a good thing. Simply blow your nose. This can seriously do a lot to help clear up congestion in the sinus cavities and canals. I don't recommend spicy Mexican food (though it is yummy), as most Mexican dishes (unless it is authentic Mexican not "Tex Mex") it will include cheese and lots of it. You really want to avoid dairy products if you can until you can clear up your sinus congestion. Most sinus congestion is due to an allergy to dairy products, dust, pollen, and cold weather.

- Stop Eating Dairy Products or Cut Back On The Amount of Dairy Products You Consume! This tip is considered to be a preventive method of treatment to avoid sinus headache and pain. If you are lactose intolerant, meaning you have trouble digesting dairy products and tend to get gas, bloating, diarrhea, and mucous over load (a lot of people are, especially African-Americans.), than you are considered to have an allergy to dairy products. Too much consumption of dairy products for people that are lactose intolerant can over time cause an overload and build up of mucous in the sinus membranes and sinus cavities. The mucous can become old turning yellow, brown and in extreme cases green, and even without even changing colors can become thick and harden in the sinus membranes and sinus cavities. This type of health issue can easily go undetected until either the winter season kicks in affecting you with cold air or in spring you may an allergy to dust and pollen. All of these things aggravate your sinuses and therefore onset sinus pressure and pain from your sinuses not being able to flow and drip mucous properly because of the thickened and hardened texture from an over load of mucous and for the amount of time it's been sitting in the sinus cavities. So avoid over doing it with dairy products. You don't have to avoid dairy products altogether, unless you are extremely lactose intolerant. But if you cut back on the amount of dairy products you're consuming in a year, than you're more likely to save yourself the hassle of suffering from sinus pains and sinus headaches later in winter and spring.
- Drink Water Mixed With Apple Cider Vinegar After Eating Dairy Products! I've been told that if you do eat any dairy products, you can help digest and break down the enzymes better by drinking water mixed with apple cider vinegar, or chew up a vitamin c tablet and rinse it down with water before or after eating a dairy product. There are also natural supplements that you can buy from your local health food store or whole foods market that are for people who are lactose intolerant, that can help aid in your digestion and break down of the enzymes in dairy products so that you don't get a mucous over load building up in your sinus cavities or diarrhea.

- Boost Your Immune System! This is also a preventive method. Take a good multi-vitamin, Echinacea ( take for 2 weeks only and stop taking it for 2-3 weeks before taking again) with Goldenseal ( if you can find it with Goldenseal than that is the best to take ), Vitamin C, and B-Complex daily to keep your immune system strong and active to help fight off sinus congestion. If you have a sensitive stomach like I do than take Ester- C or Buffered Vitamin C. You can find any of these vitamins and herbal supplements at your local health food store, Whole Foods Market, Krogers, Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid in the vitamin section of each store. Krogers, CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid all tend to do buy one get one free sales on vitamins quite frequently. So be on the look out for sales when buying vitamins and herbal supplements. You can also find coupons for brands like Nature Made, Nature's Bounty, and Sun Down in coupon books that come in your mail and in the Sunday news papers coupon books.
- Drink Hot Tea! Drink Fenugreek Tea ( it will help drain your sinuses ) and other hot teas ( preferably a nice lemon or herbal tea ) to help drain your sinuses. Traditional Medicinals is a company that actually has a tea for colds, called "Gypsy Cold Tea" which has Echinacea and other good herbal ingredients in it to help with cold symptoms. It can do some good for helping with your sinus congestion as well. You can find both Fenugreek tea and teas made by Traditional Medicinals in Whole Foods Market. You may be able to find Fenugreek tea in the health food section of Krogers. For sure you can find teas by Traditional Medicinals in Krogers health section of the store. Look for "Gypsy Cold Tea".Immediate medicine that can be taken to help with sinus congestion/pain HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE (Natural Medicine):

I went in Whole Foods market to see if I could find some homeopathic medicine and there was a whole section of stuff to choose from. I wasn't sure which product would work best, so I asked one of the sale associates to assist me. They recommended "Sinusalia" quick dissolving tablets by Boiron. It cost around $8-9 after tax. The price didn't seem to bother me being that I had already spent enough money buying over the counter drugs from CVS and Krogers that did not work! I was willing to try anything else if it would work. Over a period of a week it did help a long with a natural nasal spray "Cold & Sinus Nasal Spray" by NatraBio that I bought from Whole Foods market as well.
Of course I did still have to take a pain killer every other day for a week, but in the 2nd week I didn't need to take a pain killer as I continued to use the homeopathic medicines that I bought from whole foods, and I continued to drink Fenugreek Tea (and other teas), eat my hot wings every day lol, cut back on the dairy products a bit, and take my vitamin c, b-complex 100 (works like pain killers almost), and lower my exposure to cold air and allergens like dust/pollen. In 2 weeks I have never felt better. Seriously, I watched my sinus headaches, pressure and pain go from severe to mild, to being almost non-existent, and soon they will become a thing of the past! :-)
With "Sinusalia", 2 tablets can be placed on the tongue or under it to dissolve in the mouth (they have a light sweet taste) and are to be taken every 2 hours up to 6 times a day. The "NatraBio Cold & Sinus Nasal Spray", the spray can be used every 4 hours . You just spray it 2 times in each nostril. Make sure to breath in while spraying in each nostril. You will experience nasal drip of course when using the spray, and this is what you want. You will get an after taste in the back of your throat due to the nasal areas dripping. But this won't matter when your condition starts to get better over time. Blow your nose as much as you need to as this is how your sinus congestion will become cleared over time while following these treatments and tips at home.
WARNING: If you are pregnant, breast feeding, or have a major medical issue that you are already being treated for using modern pharmaceutical drugs and medication, you may want to check with your doctor first before trying any of the tips and products recommended. Otherwise, if you are not pregnant, breast feeding, and have general good health, and your only health issue right now is the sinus congestion, sinus headaches and sinus pain, than these health tips and products should be okay for you to take as they were for me. However, keep in mind that every person's body may react differently to different supplements, foods, and treatments. So what worked for me, may or may not work for you. Or it may work for you, but may take less or longer time to show positive results of treatments working. Also be aware that you may or may not be allergic or sensitive to some of the treatments or supplements listed, or ingredients in the medicines listed. If you try any of the advice, tips, and treatments, you are at your own risk, I am not responsible, and you may choose to seek professional advice from a medical doctor first. Now that I am done scaring you with my precautions and warnings. lol I just want to say that I have tried all of these supplements and treatments, and I have lived to tell about it with no complications. :-) DO MAKE SURE TO TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS SERIOUSLY THOUGH.
Get Well & Stay Healthy!
-Autumn Bleu
Reference Medline Plus Drug Information "Pseudophedrine":
Get Well & Stay Healthy!
-Autumn Bleu
Reference Medline Plus Drug Information "Pseudophedrine":
Great knowledge, do anyone mind merely reference back to it sinus congestion
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